I saw this family today, the first wood ducks hatched for the 2010 season on the marsh. The ducklings are probably only a couple of days old.
This song sparrow was busily scratching itself with its beak, perhaps bothered by mites. Whatever the problem was, it certainly looked funny with its feathers all fluffed out.
I didn't notice the snail in this painted turtle's mouth until I enlarged the photo. Apparently snails are commonly eaten by these reptiles.
This little fellow, no more than 3" across, was sunbathing on May 23rd in the tiny pond below the sewage lagoons.
I'd been watching this nest for a couple of weeks. On Friday, May 21st, this is how I found them; the next day, the nest was empty.
Last Friday, May 21th, I lucked out and found this little fellow perched atop his nest. "Mom" was nearby, peeping away, probably attempting to draw my attention away from him/her.