These shots are today's piece de resistance, I think. It was just before entering the wooded section of the trail this morning, when I saw one of those little white butterflies that are flitting about these days. I watched to see if it would light somewhere so I could try to get a shot. It didn't, but as it flew off behind me, I noticed a slight movement in the grass beside the trail. Upon a closer look, I noticed a little head with two bright eyes peering at me. It was a little muskrat, and I had just walked right past him/her, without even seeing him. As I watched, it scuttled into the end of a piece of white drain pipe that runs under the path, which it had obviously used to get where it was, from the marsh side. I stood and waited to see if it would come out of the pipe again, and it kept sticking its nose out to see if the coast was clear. By that time I moved on, as I was getting bitten by deer flies. But I was tickled pink, as I knew I had a memorable tale - and the pictures to go with it - to post to my blog!
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