Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring is in the air

Today was my first walk around the marsh in at least a month.  The last time it was so icy in the wooded section I decided to wait before attempting it again.  The bright sun today and the absence of any snow was a strong enducement to do so.  Besides, I didn't want to miss the arrival of the red-winged blackbirds, for me, a definite harbinger of spring.  I was greeted by the sight of lots of open water on the marsh - the sweet notes of song sparrows - the presence of black ducks and buffleheads in the open water - and, among the many buffleheads on the sewage lagoon, several wood ducks!  I was heading back toward the entrance when I heard a familiar repeating chek sound.  When I tracked it down, I found my harbinger - my morning was complete.


  1. Glad to see you back Lois and the first sighting of the red wing black bird.

  2. Hurrah! You're back, a sure sign of spring!
