Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Young and the Restless

I was at the marsh earlier than usual this morning, and I certainly noticed the difference in bird life activity. One of the large dead English Oak trees, limbs bare, that stands at the edge of the marsh was alive with birds. Cedar waxwings constantly landed, flew off, returned; sparrows, warblers, and one lone Tree Swallow were among the visitors. I just stood there and watched the spectacle (and took pictures, of course). I realize that many of these birds are migrants that have stopped here as they ready themselves for their long journeys to their wintering grounds. Three of the birds I caught, all juveniles, are seen above: top to bottom, Cedar Waxwing; Yellow-rumped Warbler; and Tree Swallow.


  1. Great Pictures! And what a vibrant Marsh community! Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks, Chris, I'll do my best. (Chris is a cousin from the Big Apple. He's a great booster.)
